Diabetes Mellitus Disclosure: A Comprehensive Review on a Global Issue


  • Rameen Atique Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Tehreem Rana Department of Human Nutrition and Ditetics, FV&AS, Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan, Pakistan Author
  • Hafiza Rida Fatima Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Rabbya Rayan Shah Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Javeria Sharif Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Areesha Naveed Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Ambreen Talib Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Ayesha Haidar Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Hafiza Arshi Saeed Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author
  • Bushra Anwar Department of Pathobiology and Biomedical Sciences, FVAS, MNS University of Agriculture, 25000, Multan Pakistan Author


Historical background of Diabetes, Types of Diabetes, Risk factors, Signs and symptoms, Prevention, Pathophysiology, Management, Treatment


Diabetes mellitus is a long-term metabolic disease associated with increased blood sugar levels that result from imperfections in insulin secretion. It is a genetic disorder that affects millions of people annually and inflicts substantial health threats. Various genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the pathogenesis of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is induced by an autoimmune reaction in the body that causes the deterioration of insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas. Whereas, Type 2 diabetes is a more severe form that is illustrated by the resistance and hindrance of insulin production. The contributing risk factors for diabetes comprise the genetic history of diabetes mellitus, overweight, poor way of living, and increasing age. The complexities linked with diabetes influence different organs by inducing heart disorders, nephrosis, retinal vascular disease, and peripheral neuropathy. Since diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, it can develop the risk of other infections that affect the person’s fitness. Management techniques for diabetes are important for keeping blood glucose levels in check. Insulin therapy, a healthy lifestyle, and proper exercise are crucial parameters to prevent diabetes mellitus. Some oral medications and injectable treatments aim to enhance the susceptibility, efficacy, and secretion of insulin to inhibit glucose assimilation. By comprehending the etiology and potential determinants, we can execute extensive management procedures to eliminate the soaring occurrence and problems analogous to diabetes mellitus. This review essentially highlights the essential factors linked with diabetes mellitus and useful management to improve the grade of life for people impacted by this chronic disease.


